Gaz's Corner
Gir's Corner
Zim's Corner
IZ personality Quiz
IZ Animated Icons for AIM users
More IZ animated icons
Fan Art
Guest Book
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Welcome to dib.4mg.com!
Welcome to my site! In here you will see a chat, Zim's corner, Gir's corner, and more! I hope you enjoy your visit! Tell your friends to come!
Just to let you know...I won't be working on this website now, for I am going to build a surprise site!!! I'll keep you updated!
3/28/02-Yay! I have ANOTHER new website up and running! I just started, so you might see some weird stuffs going on OK? 3/30/02- I added a chat room. I will add a doodle chat.. some of the pages are weird because I have just started the site! 3/31/02-Well, I am adding a doodle chat soon! Nothing much...Oh yeah...HAPPY EASTER!!!!! 4/1/02-Woo! I started the Zim's corner...I only have quotes so far... 4/3/02-I added a fan section. If you want to send fan art or fanfics and icons, e-mail me. EBaranko5@netscape.net. I also have AIM for that name. 4/7/02-Woo! I added a message board. I wil TRY to start the Gaz's Corner. I added a AIM icon thing. Enjoy!
5/28/02-Finally! An update! I started Gaz's Corner! |
Remember...This page isn't only about Dib.. It's about the whole episode!
We have Zim's corner, Gir's corner, and coming soon is Gaz's corner |
Fan stuff!
Click on my e-mail below to send fan art or fan fics (or maybe both) just make sure it is Zim related. I will give you credit, and a reward.
Doodle Chat
I put up a doodle chat and a regular chat. I will add a message board. Just give me time.
Look up!
This is Dib in the Halloween Episode...THE BEST EPISODE ON EARTH!!!
Send Fan Art, or fan fics by clicking here. (you will get credit if I add you) |